It was by far the most massive nationwide Jail Bharo struggle in
recent times. According to preliminary reports received from the states, well
over five lakh peasants and workers courted arrest at over 610 centres in 407
districts in 23 states across the country on August 9, 2018. They raised the
central slogan “Modi Sarkar, Chale Jaao!”
This was in recognition of the fact that the BJP-RSS government
headed by Narendra Modi is without doubt the most anti-peasant, anti-worker and
anti-people regime in the last 71 years of Independent India. It is also the
most pro-corporate, communal and casteist.
This Jail Bharo struggle of peasants, workers and agricultural
labourers was led jointly by the AIKS, CITU and AIAWU. Overall, the peasants
led by AIKS were around three lakh and the workers led by CITU were around two
lakh. The AIAWU also mobilised in a few states. Intensive and extensive preparations
for the success of this action were made in all states.
It was an important step forward towards building worker-peasant
unity in action – a step that will be further cemented by the September 5
Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally in Delhi. Women, youth and students led by AIDWA,
DYFI and SFI also participated in large numbers. Lakhs of signatures in each
state on peasant demands of the AIKS addressed to the Prime Minister were submitted
to the district authorities.
The August 9 Jail Bharo stir made a great impact on the people at
large. Both print and electronic media, as well as social media, covered the
struggle well at the regional level. This action helped to take forward the joint
resistance of the peasantry and the working class.
The largest and most militant mobilisation in this struggle was in
West Bengal, where over 1,42,000 people participated in all the districts of
the state. In several places, thousands of protestors broke through many
barricades set up by the thoroughly authoritarian TMC government. Under the
leadership of former AIKS Joint Secretary Suryakant Mishra and many others, they
braved the repressive wrath of the police, but refused to bend. They castigated
the anti-people policies of both the Modi regime as well as the Mamata regime.
Another valiant struggle took place in Tripura, where the Left is
facing massive repression from the barbaric regime led by the BJP-RSS-IPFT. In
this tiny state, over 11,000 people took part in the Jail Bharo stir. Under the
leadership of former Chief Minister Manik Sarkar and many others, they braved
lathi charges, and even water cannons and tear gas,.
Kerala faced a different kind of adversary – nature itself! August 9
was the day of unprecedented rains which eventually led to the catastrophic
floods in Kerala. Triumphing over even that, more than 30,000 people took part
in the Jail Bharo stir. Had it not been for the torrential rains, the figure
would have easily reached a couple of lakhs.
Tamil Nadu faced a completely different problem – the death of
former chief minister M Karunanidhi. Due to the mourning period, the Jail Bharo
had to be cancelled. The state had planned for over one lakh arrests that day.
Among the other states, Maharashtra had the largest participation of
63,437 at 66 centres in 27 districts. Here the mobilisation would have crossed
the target of one lakh, had it not been for the state bandh call on the issue
of Maratha caste reservations the very same day. The next largest was Bihar,
where over 50,000 people participated at 35 district centres.
The mobilisation figures for the other states were as follows: Assam
– 35,000, Punjab – 35,000, Rajasthan – 28,000, Karnataka – 27,756, Uttar Pradesh
– 25,000, Odisha – 23,500, Andhra Pradesh – 13,000, Telangana – 12,336, Himachal
Pradesh – 11,000, Haryana – 11,000, Jharkhand – 8,496, Madhya Pradesh – 5,250,
Chhattisgarh – 3,370, Gujarat – 3,174, Uttarakhand – 2,000, Jammu & Kashmir
– 1,900, Delhi – 50, Manipur – 50.
The AIKS Central Kisan Committee (CKC) meeting held on March 18-19,
2018 at Delhi, decided to launch a
massive campaign on burning peasant demands and collect 10 crore signatures
from the people to culminate in a massive Jail Bharo struggle at the district
level across the country on August 9, 2018. August 9, 1942 is a historic date
in our freedom struggle, the day on which Mahatma Gandhi served notice on the
British imperialist government to ‘Quit India’.
The main demands decided by the AIKS were land rights, opposition to
forced land acquisition, implementation of Forest Rights Act (FRA), farm loan
waiver, remunerative prices as per the Swaminathan Commission formula C2 + 50%,
increased pension for agricultural workers and poor farmers and a comprehensive
crop insurance scheme.
The General Council meeting of the CITU held at Kozhikode, Kerala on
March 24-26, 2018 decided to participate in the Jail Bharo struggle on August 9
in solidarity with the peasantry. The CITU proposed that this be followed by
the first-ever Worker-Peasant Struggle Rally since Independence on September 5,
2018 at Delhi. The AIKS and AIAWU fully supported this proposal. It has thus become
a joint rally of all three class organisations.
The All India Kisan Council (AIKC) meeting of the AIKS held at
Rajapalayam in Tamil Nadu on July 18-20, 2018, reviewed the preparations for
the Jail Bharo and the Delhi Rally and gave a clarion call to make both these
struggles a great success. It also decided to mobilise Rs 5 crore as Kisan
Sangharsh Fund, mainly through mass collection of Rs 10 each from village
households and petty traders throughout the country.
Meetings and consultations were held among the office bearers of the
three organisations. A massive campaign was launched all over the country to
reach out to maximum people through booklets, handbills, vehicle or cycle jathas,
conventions and village meetings.
Two new sections also joined the August 9 struggle. One was the All
India Ex-Servicemen Movement, which was angry that they had been duped by the
BJP regime on their just and long-standing demand for ‘One Rank One Pension’.
The second was the All India Ambedkar Mahasabha which was incensed over
government inaction to reverse the Supreme Court decision to dilute the SC/ST
Prevention of Atrocities Act. It had earlier called for a Bharat Bandh on April
2, in which several Dalits were killed in police firing. That issue has now
been settled through bills recently passed by Parliament.
The August 9 Jail Bharo struggle was a powerful continuation of the
rising upsurge of struggles of the peasantry and the working class after the
Modi regime came to power.
A joint platform called the
Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan (BAA) was formed in 2015 during the successful struggle
against the hated Land Acquisition Ordinance. After state level agitations and
Delhi Rallies against the Ordinance and with intervention by the Left and other
opposition parties in the Rajya Sabha, it had to be withdrawn in August 2015.
The BAA has since been fighting on issues like killing of farmers by gau
rakshaks, and against forced land acquisition for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet
Train, the Salem-Chennai green corridor and the various Industrial Corridors
and Freight Corridors proposals.
The All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC), a
broader platform now comprising nearly 200 organisations was formed after the
Mandsaur firing in June 2017 by the BJP government in Madhya Pradesh, which
killed six farmers. The two main issues taken up by this platform were farm
loan waivers and remunerative prices for farm produce at one and a half times
the cost of production. Through consistent issue based struggles, the
anti-peasant policies of the BJP government were exposed by both these
platforms, in which the AIKS is an important constituent.
The formation of JEJAA – a platform of class, mass and social organisations
- in September 2017 helped to expand the unity of the class and mass
organisations and develop an All India movement of struggles on the issues of
the people with the active role of trade unions and agrarian front organisations
in it. This resulted in the May 23, 2018 ‘Pol Khol Halla Bol’ actions all over
the country to condemn four years of the Modi regime.
The AIKS took the independent initiative of organising four nationwide
jathas, culminating in an AIKS Delhi Rally of several thousand peasants on
their burning demands in November 2016. A large Delhi Rally was also
subsequently held by the AIAWU.
The 34th All India Conference of the AIKS held at Hisar,
Haryana in October 2017 gave a clarion call for intensifying both independent
and united issue based struggles against the disastrous anti-peasant policies
of the Modi regime.
Soon after this, the AIKSCC held a Kisan Sansad and a Mahila Kisan
Sansad in Delhi in November 2017 in which tens of thousands of farmers from all
over the country participated. Two bills for liberation from farm debt and for
just remunerative prices were introduced. After a series of countrywide
consultations, these bills were finalised and they were supported by 21
opposition parties in a special convention. They were introduced in Parliament
in its just-concluded monsoon session by AIKS Joint Secretary K K Ragesh in the
Rajya Sabha and by Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana leader Raju Shetty in the Lok
The struggles spearheaded by the Maharashtra and Rajasthan units of
the AIKS in the recent past contributed greatly to building up the resistance
of the peasantry at the All India level. The remarkable Kisan Long March
organised under the banner of the Maharashtra unit of the AIKS became a source
of encouragement for the entire democratic movement in the country. The
struggles in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka and elsewhere succeeded in
wresting concessions from the BJP and Congress-led governments in these states.
All these initiatives helped to carve out an active space for the AIKS in the united
Running parallel to these peasant struggles were the series of
working class struggles led by the CITU and other trade unions throughout the
country. They included the two massive All India Strikes on September 2 in 2015
and 2016 and culminated in the huge three-day sit-in struggle at Parliament
Street in Delhi in November 2017.
The massive participation in the August 9 Jail Bharo struggle will
surely help to ensure a huge mobilisation in the September 5 Mazdoor Kisan
Sangharsh Rally. Hectic preparations are now going on all across the country to
make it a historic success. That will be another major step forward towards
worker-peasant unity. It will also be another blow under the leadership of the
Red Flag that is aimed at the BJP-RSS-led central government.